Classic Bruschetta with Balsamic Reduction


Bruschetta is simply an appetizer that consists of a tomato-basil topping served on crostini toasts. It is best made with the freshest tomatoes possible (i.e., from the garden) but can certainly be made year-round with good quality supermarket tomatoes. Continue reading Classic Bruschetta with Balsamic Reduction

Panettone Scones Recipe

Homemade Scones
Panettone Scones

Inspired by the famous Italian sweet fruit bread/cake, these Panettone Scones (or, perhaps, more aptly “Panescone”) are divine served with clotted cream or English double cream, and your favorite fruit jam or curd. They are particularly tasty served with any of my homemade jams or jellies and either my clementine curd or cranberry curd. Continue reading Panettone Scones Recipe