Work With Me

 Work With Me!


My Island Bistro Kitchen food blog was created in January 2012.  I regularly publish posts featuring my recipes and, sometimes, stories about local food producers and food and culinary events.  On occasion, I also write reviews of select cookbooks. My Island Bistro Kitchen has an active and growing presence on social media including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as on Pinterest.

Interested in partnering with My Island Bistro Kitchen on projects? Here are some potential ways we could work together:

Guest Speaker I am available to speak to groups on various topics related to food. For example, topics might include “How to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill and Still Eat Well“, “Different Types of Tea Events“, “Afternoon Tea Fare, Protocols, Etiquette“, “Benefits of Make-ahead Freezer Meals“. Other relevant topics can also be considered.

Freelance Writing – I am available as a contributing writer for print or online publications and/or as a guest blogger.  If you would like to commission me to write an article or a guest post for your print publication/blog/website, please get in touch to discuss what you have in mind.

Brand Ambassador – If you are looking for a food blogger to represent your product, this collaboration could be in the form of a series of blog posts, social media outreach/engagement, and/or public appearances.

Sponsored Posts – Sponsored posts published to my food blog will involve a fair, balanced, and honest discussion of your brand/product and promotion across my social media channels. Depending on the nature of the project and requirements, the posts could also involve original recipe development using your product as a featured ingredient.

Event Coverage – If you have a food/beverage-related event you would like me to cover as a writer and photographer with a view to having a post about it published on my food blog, please get in touch. I have covered a number of food festival events in the past and these can be found on my “Out and About” page.

Consultation Services – I am open to providing consultation services on food-related and afternoon tea topics. For example, if your group is planning an afternoon tea and needs some pointers on what to serve as well as protocols and etiquette surrounding an afternoon tea event, I am available to provide consultation services on the topics.

Have an idea not mentioned above? I am open to discussing your creative suggestions if I feel they would be a good fit for the content of the blog and would be of interest to my readers.

Serious inquiries only, please. (Use the “Contact” form from the menu on the main page)

Please note the following:

  • I work for monetary compensation – not for “free” or in exchange for product or exposure or a “shout-out“.
  • I am selective about the brands I will work with and will only promote products that I genuinely like and that are a good fit with the philosophy and focus of my food blog.
  • For event coverage, “plus one” invitations are preferred and I require full photographic access at events as well as access to key organizers for interviews.

(Mostly) PEI and Maritime Food – Good Food for a Good Life!