Subscription to Blog


Because of the ongoing issue I have been having for some time with the volume of spam subscribers to my food blog, I have decided to remove the “Subscribe to this Blog” feature.  This means that, for those of you who have subscribed to my blog, you will no longer receive an email notification each time I publish a posting (i.e., a story or recipe) to my food blog.  As a result, upon posting this notice, I will be deleting the entire subscription list and will not be keeping any list of subscribers names and/or their email addresses.

This does not affect my continued publishing to my blog. What it does mean for regular followers and others interested in the content of my blog is that I will encourage them to use any or all of the following means to stay connected to My Island Bistro Kitchen food blog.

1) Bookmark “My Island Bistro Kitchen” in your Internet browser and check the site regularly for new stories.

2) Click “Like” on the Facebook page for My Island Bistro Kitchen at  Each time that I publish a new posting to my blog, you will find the notification and link to the story posted on my Facebook page.

3) Follow me on twitter @PEIBistro –  I also put links to new stories published to my blog on this twitter account.

You can also find me on Pinterest at “Island Bistro Kitchen” –

And, you can follow me on Instagram:

While I regret having to make the decision to remove the “Subscription” option, it has become more vexing and time-consuming to deal with spam subscriptions.  In fact, it takes time away from my producing content for my food blog which is my primary interest.

If, at some point in time, I find a permanent fix for eliminating spam subscribers, I may re-open the subscription option.  If that happens, I will put a notification on my blog and interested persons would need to subscribe, or re-subscribe, and provide consent to receiving email notifications from My Island Bistro Kitchen.


Rhubarb and Orange Muffins

We are blessed with well-producing rhubarb in our backyard garden. The photo below is of two crowns of German Wine Rhubarb I started several years ago so it is quite a mature patch now. It has very deep ruby-red stalks. The patch graces us with a steady supply of rhubarb for fresh usage and for freezing.  It also allows me to create all kinds of recipes featuring rhubarb like today’s for Rhubarb and Orange Muffins. Continue reading Rhubarb and Orange Muffins