We have always had this old lilac tree in the front yard of the home in which I grew up. Some years, only one side of the tree will have blooms but this year, it is pretty well covered in beautiful mauve lilacs. It was always a sign of Summer when the fragrant lilacs began to bloom and a big yellow monarch butterfly paid a visit. I love lilacs. In fact, they are one of my favorite flowers – I love their color (purple and mauve are my favorite colors) , their shape and flow, the delicate small petals, and yes, even the strong scent of them. They are not, however, generally well accepted as an indoor flower by anyone who is superstitious, probably because of the flower’s association with death or broken engagements.

But there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying lilacs in the great outdoors. And, there is no better way than to sit amidst the color and fragrance enjoying a tranquil and relaxing afternoon tea beside the lilacs. No monarch butterfly visited on this sunny afternoon but several birds, including a hummingbird, hovered around and some of them twittered and tweeted. They probably wondered why the humans were invading their private habitat that they were not accustomed to sharing!

Today, I visited a local garden center and purchased two French lilac trees. They are very small but, hopefully, in time, they will grow and provide wonderful blooms and fragrance in the backyard of my own home. It will be a long time before they reach the size of our big old family lilac tree but maybe at some point in the future they, too, could form a backdrop for a lovely early summer afternoon tea.