New Year’s Eve is the perfect occasion to bring on all the bling, glitz, and glamour …. and that includes dressing up the dining table. I thought you might be interested in taking a peek at how I transformed my dining room from Christmas into an elegant venue for a New Year’s Eve dinner. And, yes, each guest had a glittery and elegant silver or black hat to wear for the evening.
As you can see, the color theme was silver, black and white.
Each place setting was framed by a silver charger plate with a rhinestone edge.
A small glass dessert dish contained silver cola balls at each placesetting.

I used one of my napkin ring sets that has a lot of bling to contain the black napkin because, well, there’s no such thing as too much bling on NYE, is there!
I think the napkin looks very stylish and elegant placed diagonally over the edge of the plate and charger. For elegant and sophisticated tablesettings, always use a high quality cloth napkin.
Of course, any “blingy” tablesetting needs lots of glassware to reflect the light. Each placesetting had three glasses – a water glass, a white wine glass, and a champagne flute. When I am setting an elegant table, I try to make sure the glassware all matches. For more casual tablesettings, mix-and-match glassware may work but, for formal settings, I use matched glassware. The more cuts there are in the glassware, the more dazzling it is in different lighting situations.
I went with a very simple centerpiece. Two glittery silver pillar candles on medium-height glass candlesticks and a white and deep rose floral arrangement in a small black urn.
For the floral centerpiece, I used bright rose-colored Gerber daisies surrounded by a collar of white carnations with green berry highlights.
With all the white, silver, and glass on the table, I thought the centerpiece needed a bit of bright color to stand out.
Simple yet elegant.
And, of course, there were little Hershey kisses for midnight! It’s all about the little details!
Here’s an overhead view of the table. Once I set a table, I always take a photo as that will quickly let me see what’s out of place and needs adjustment. Amazing how a photograph will reveal what an eye does not always see!
To keep the glitz going, I hung some mirror balls, glittery snowfakes, and glass from my dining room lighting fixture.
These are simply inexpensive ornaments I purchased at a dollar store. They do the trick!
Glittery snowflakes!
My fireplace mantle featured winter white and black. Tick-tock as we made our way to midnight!
The black lanterns tied in with the black on the table and provided the glow of soft candle light as evening darkness settled in.
The champagne bucket was filled with ice.
And the champagne flutes stood at the ready.
Then, the beverage was poured…..
And, before long, it was the midnight hour!
I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into my New Year’s Eve dining room. Best wishes for health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. Happy New Year, everyone!
To view other seasonal tablesettings, click on the links below:
Christmas Eve Tablesetting and Dinner
Twas the Night Before Christmas
The Warmth of the Christmas Light Tablesetting
A Tartan Holiday Tablesetting
Pretty Poinsettia Tablesetting
Poinsettia Trio Tablesetting
The Holiday Table
The Pink and Green Holiday Table
Christmas at My Island Bistro Kitchen
Purple Tablesetting for the Holidays
Evergreens and Reindeer Christmas Tablesetting
Cupcake Tablescape
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