Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Be sure to use the occasion to show special appreciation for those you love. One of the most ultimate ways to pamper a loved one on any day (and not just on Valentine’s) is by preparing and serving him or her breakfast in bed.

This is a very simple breakfast menu I have selected for the bed tray: Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh fruit cup sprinkled with coconut, heart-shaped Irish Cream French Toast with pure Canadian maple syrup, and a wee pot of tea. (Recipe for the French Toast follows at end of posting)
There is nothing like fresh-squeezed orange juice to start the day! The little juice jug was a find at a thrift shop. Bed trays have limited space so I’m always on the look-out for items that will be suitable for this purpose. I have opted to make the event special by serving the juice in a stemmed glass.
I have selected fruit with different colors and textures and dressed the fruit cup with some coconut and orange zest. The glass pedestal dessert dish is perfect for serving fresh fruit because it allows the colors of the fruit to show through giving color to the tray.
I sprinkled the French toast with confectioner’s sugar and added a dollop or two of whipped cream. My heart-shaped cookie cutter didn’t have as deep a cut in the center as I would have liked; consequently, the heart-shape isn’t as prominent or doesn’t show up as well in the photographs. I added the fan-cut strawberry to give both color and flavour.
What dresses up the food is the presentation. Yes, it’s all about the presentation! I covered the tray with a couple of my best quality white napkins and folded the third, using a “blingy” napkin ring as napkin jewelry. Out came the wee Sadler teapot I found in a second-hand shop last summer. From my teacup collection, I selected one that is predominantly pink since my color theme for this bed tray is pink and red.
Every bed tray should be adorned with a small bouquet of fresh flowers. I thoroughly enjoy having access to Island greenhouse-grown tulips over the winter. I drove out to Vanco Farms in Mount Albion to specifically select these pink and red tulips, knowing they would be perfect on this tray! I think the pink and red make a stunning color combination!
And, of course, adding a lovely card and a gift will make a special someone’s Valentine’s Day just a tad more special!
My Island Bistro Kitchen’s Irish Cream French Toast
2 eggs
3 tbsp milk
2 tsp Irish Cream Liqueur (follow link at bottom of posting for my recipe for homemade Irish Cream Liqueur)
1/2 tbsp orange juice
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch cardamom
1/2 tsp freshly grated orange rind
With whisk, beat eggs lightly. Add remainder of ingredients in order given. Whisk to combine. Pour mixture into a flat pan or pie plate. Dip each bread slice into the mixture, turning to coat both sides.
Melt 1 tsp. butter in skillet. Transfer dipped bread to hot skillet. Over medium heat, fry bread till browned. Flip bread to brown other side. Transfer to serving plate. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar and add a dollop of whipped cream, if desired. Serve warm with maple syrup.
Click on this link for my recipe for homemade Irish Cream Liqueur.
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