Classic Homemade Cherry Pie Recipe

Slice of pie topped with vanilla ice cream on white plate. Pie in pie plate is in background
Classic Homemade Cherry Pie

One of the things I most look forward to in summer would have to be the making of pies with fresh summer fruit and berries! Today, I am sharing my recipe for a pie made with homemade cherry pie filling. A traditional double-crusted pie, this Cherry Pie calls for the large sweet cherries. Continue reading Classic Homemade Cherry Pie Recipe

Blueberry Scones Recipe

Homemade scones surrounded by blueberries on serving plate
Blueberry Scones

These Blueberry Scones are always a lovely treat when the local highbush blueberries are in season. They may be made with either orange or lemon zest for additional flavor and are divine served still slightly warm from the oven with a favorite jam and/or fruit curd with, of course, some clotted cream or English double cream. Continue reading Blueberry Scones Recipe

Lobster Vol-au-Vent

Lobster in a Cream Sauce served in puff pastry shells alongside a mixed green salad
Lobster Vol-au Vent

With access to high quality seafood here in PEI, we consume a lot of seafood, including lobster, especially when it is in season and fished locally off the Island shores. I like developing recipes using lobster as the main ingredient and, today, I am sharing my recipe for Lobster Vol-au-Vent. Continue reading Lobster Vol-au-Vent